Our Club meeting on 10th July began on a pleasantly rain-free evening.
Our toastmaster Craig got things off to a great start with a warm welcome highlighting that back in 1967, on this very day, we converted from pound, shillings and pence to dollars and cents. Not only was this mentioned, but Criag supplied a prestine set of pounds, shillings (a florin, a half crown and a 1 shilling) and some pence (3d, 6d and a penny). For some, a distant walk down memory lane.
General Evaluator, Tony, introduced our grammarian for the evening, Greg, who challenged us to use the word 'Assauge' wherever possible - an interesting choice and one that did indeed challenge quite a few speakers! On the timing lights for the first time was Ali.
Ros got the show underway with a 'panel of experts' theme for our Table Topics presenters. These so-called experts tried to solve many of the problems that have beset the world with new inventions, breakthrough in medicines, environmental outcomes and the like. A well thought theme, Ros.
Our first prepared speech for the evening was by Kiri, and this was her icebreaker speech - the first in her pathway. Kiri had also prepared a detailed information board and a slide show to accompany her speech, which amazed us all with a level of detail not seen before - and this really helped to add depth and dimension to her speech.
The second prepared speech was by Christian - and was also an ice breaker! Christian used the opportunity well to introduce himself to the club and let us learn about his background and his reasons for joining toastmasters.
During the business session our outgoing club president Roz handed the gavel (literally) over to our new club president Jan - who is also our new District R Director. Mention was also made of the opportunity to pay 'in advance' to avoid the impending subscription increase to World HeadQuarters.
Our third prepared speech was actually an educational - and was presented by our VP of Education Ian. Ian delivered a well-organised presentation on the topic of the Pathways available within Toastmasters - this was extremely relevant as we currently have quite a few new members beginning their journey.
The evening concluded with 2 well delivered speech evaluations from Jan and Steve, a thorough Table Topic evaluation by Andy, a concise timekeeping report by Ali and the general evaluation from Tony.
Our next meeting is a shortened toastmaster meeting, followed by our Club Awards night on Monday 24th July - an opportunity to relax and enjoy toastmasters even more! Don't forget to bring a plate.
Best Speaker : Christian Best Evaluator : Steve
Best Table Topics : Steve Best Contribution : Kiri
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