Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Speak with Confidence

Why Napier Toastmasters?

Whether telling a captivating story or speaking to inform your audience, Napier Toastmasters will provide you with the confidence and skills to express yourself through the support of its members and Toastmasters International.

Got Butterflies in Your Stomach?
So you might feel nervous, have butterflies in your stomach or feel the world is closing in on you when standing up in front of a group to talk. But once you realize that this is not at all unusual, it becomes easier to control and the butterflies start flying in formation.

Become a Competent Communicator
The Pathways learning experience is Toastmasters’ education program. There are 11 specialized learning paths to choose from and an opportunity to leverage over 300 unique competencies. Find the path that’s right for you and start building real-world, transferable skills today!

We Want to Hear What You Have to Say
Come along to our next meeting or Contact us today. There is no time like the present!