Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Anyone can be Cool, But Awesome Takes Practice

Who needs to be a millionaire when we have a wealth of talent at Napier Toastmasters. Paul kicked the meeting off by welcoming guests Fiona and Sally, and new member Mona. With a long list of apologies, the meeting was still well attended with a wide array of excellent speeches, including a surprise!

James S, our General Evaluator for the evening confidently introduced his team Pater (Grammarian) who challenged us to use the word 'emulate' this evening and Rachel who explained what the lights mean.

What a great theme for table topics; real book titles. Sarah gave each speaker the opportunity to own the book as the author, and explain what their book is about.
Table Topics

James Kan told us about the family of five who sadly failed in their cunning plan to escape Kazakstan on the back of a donkey. On the positive side, the donkey survived. James was followed by Paul whose book was "Who Cares About Elderly People. Peter wanted to do everything that is illegal. Craig told us "How to Avoid Big Ships", Mona told us why it's not good to eat people, and Amy told us about "How Anyone can be Cool, but Awesome Takes Practice".

Table topics were ably evaluated by Robyn and Graeme.

We had two formal speeches this evening, Nick who gave us his sixth speech; this one on office orientation (and office personalities), and Emma on the problems associated with winning Lotto, and what to do with the winnings so everyone can benefit.

Nick and Emma received plenty of commendations and recommendations from evaluators Colin and Chris respectively.

In addition to running the business session, Craig also gave us an educational, and Chris thanked the past executive for all their help.

We were treated to a surprise sand apparently impromptu speech by Amy about her experience with real life fairies. We heard about face painting, the fairy's explanation for why she isn't tiny, and Amy's mantra "Keep Calm and Walk Away!"

James S. ably conducted his general evaluation of all those who hadn't received an evaluation and Paul closed the meeting after announcing the winners of the night:
  • Best Speaker: Emma
  • Best Table Topic: James K.
  • Best Evaluator: Robyn
  • Best Contribution: Graeme
I'd like to say thanks again to the outgoing executive committee for all their efforts over the previous Toastmaster Year. Craig in particular provided the executive with a wealth of knowledge on what needed to be done and when. Without James, whose role is to open the doors set up the room, we would be sitting out in the cold, and even worse no chocolate biscuits!

I have a feeling that thanking the other members of the executive may be spread over the next couple of meetings!

Past Treasurer Craig, Past Sergeant at Arms, James, and Past President Chris



  1. Nice report Chris. Great evening.

  2. Thanks so much for filling in with a report Chris, and an excellent effort to! A very enjoyable meeting, big congratulations to everyone who attended, next we have the Table Topics Contest, see you there!!

  3. Thanks Chris! A really fun meeting. I am constantly impressed with the calibre of our speakers! Table Topics was hilarious, I nearly fell off my chair laughing. Some very quick thinking by our contestants. Hope everyone will be in similar fine form for the competitions! See you all at the dinner :) Robyn

  4. Awesome report Chris, thanks. I also couldn't stop laughing during the Table Topics, it was a great theme to explore!
