Despite the cold evening, we had a great turnout which added to our current members with 3 returning guests, 2 new guests and also officially 2 new members. All were warmly welcomed by our Toastmaster for the evening Jan who also read the mission statement.
Our first prepared speech Titled “The World needs more of This” by Greg was introduced and evaluated by Andy. Greg embarking on his Level 3 from the Presentation Mastery Pathway which Andy outlined clearly and ably that the purpose of the speech was to be persuasive. Greg being an expert and a professional I must add in the field of his topic…he embarked on how the knowledge of being able to transfer the skills of Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift from a gym to our every day lives. That in handling ourselves with care, we would be able to maintain healthier bodies and gain in strength.
I was certainly persuaded as I think Andy was also as he gave excellent CRCs in his evaluation of Greg's speech.
Our second speaker of the evening was Tony. Graeme introduced Tony a with great opening….”are you intrigued?”…Indeed we were as the speaking area was uniquely set up with two opposing tables like a debating stage.
What ensued was a first for Napier Toastmasters.
Tony being on his very last project of Level 5 in his Pathway mediated a fun and made-up scenario of a nationwide roll out of all sports at school being replaced by only one sport. Wrestling. To assist Tony in his mediation was a panel of three members who were “For” and a panel of three members were “Against”. This of course was all roll-played and the participating members had all been given advance warning before the meeting of their participation. Tonys challenge to mediate Toastmasters was very well done and drew much laughter and interest from those observing. Graeme congratulated Tony on a unique presentation that was enjoyed by everyone and participants alike!
Table Topics was run by Andy with a theme of a Time Machine in New Zealand and with different locations being chosen that those speaking had to give a positive spin if they were relocated to those locations. Certainly fun and challenging. The speakers and their locations were:
Tony: The top of Mt Taranaki
Ali: Island in the middle of Lake Taupo
Sanghetta: Antartica (in the future it being part of NZ)
Greg: On an Oil Rig off the coast of NZ
Craig evaluated Andy and our Table Topics speakers and congratulated Andy on an excellent, engaging and interesting subject matter. Craig also congratulated all our speakers and also commended Sangheeta who as a first time guest, participated well in her presentation.
The Business session was brief and included official presentation of Area and Division trophies for Best Evaluation finally engraved to Jan. Well done Jan.
Our meeting concluded with newest member Ali delivering the timekeepers report who had assisted Steve on the clock during the evening. Well done Ali!
Overall, and entertaining evening with something a bit different.
Best Evaluator; Craig Best Contribution; Tony
Next meeting Monday, 26 June, 2023
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