22nd July 2019
Toastmaster Jan opened the meeting
with enthusiasm and a bright smile.
James being the host and welcomed
everyone warmly. The meeting began on time at 6.30 pm. We had a good number of guests (again!).
Starting with the mission statement read by Brenda and the General Evaluator
Carol, introducing the team:
- Grammarian:
Ros very innovatively explained the word for the day – ‘Boondoggle’. A riveting report of the ‘catchy phrases’ and
use of the word was given at the end of the meeting. Good job Ros!
- Timekeeper:
Lauren gave a good record of the time for the speeches and made sure all the
proceedings went well in time. Good job Lauren!
Alwyn, our Table Topics Master,
creatively prepared the Table Topics – ‘revolutionised use of an ordinary
item’. The topic stimulated hilarious uses of day-to-day items.
Troy: Hose pipe - Spoke about
sending “…it” to upper space through a hose pipe.
James K: Weaponised cup – A cup
with swiss knives and forks attached to it.
Peter B: Headsets – Shock-producing
headsets to bring teenagers back to the real world.
Aden: Lamp - Our first-time guest
without a shadow of doubt spoke brilliantly well about his lamp.
Jane: Blanket – Not-so-eco-friendly Dolphin skin blanket.
Jan: Vacu-floor – A floor that gets
rid of dog excrement and dust by engulfing all of it into itself.
Patrick: Transportational hat –
That replicates the clones of one person into many.
Steve: Reducing machine: A machine
that can help you carry your suitcase in your pocket.
The session was evaluated by Kelly
and Ashley. Both collaborated well with their evaluations. They used the CRC
(Commend, Recommend, Commend) structure well to evaluate owing to the fact that
every speaker speaks only for a minute and a half. Great motivation and humour
throughout the session made this a fun event.
Educational session was conducted
by Peter B and Graeme in an amusing role-play (costumes included!) on of course
– Humorous Speech Competition. Graeme provided a hand-written list of –
‘Graeme’s Tippy’s’ with pointers for preparation and presentation. Great job
you two!
Business session was presented by
Jane and Brenda. Important dates for club activities were discussed. 29th July:
Annual Awards dinner Night, 26th Aug: Humorous and Table Topics Competition,
2nd Sep: Speak-a-thon. Highlights of the Club Officer training Meeting were
Ian evaluated Patrick for his
speech – ‘Money, Money, Money’. Patrick presented strategies of diversity over long
term to save money, with catchy phrases such as ‘compounding interest is your
friend.’ Patrick managed very well to provide much information on this topic. A
resourceful speech with a fantastic evaluation by Ian.
Brenda was evaluated by Daniel for
her presentation about the Napier Aquarium Expansion. She researched her topic
very well. Began with – ‘In 1956, a local fishing club needed a place to keep
their favourite fish’. From providing statistics to the present-day scenario,
Brenda seamlessly answered questions by the audiences. A well-presented topic
was evaluated ably.
Kerry presented a speech on –
‘Digital Dementia’ evaluated by Steve. “Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten what she
said!” A very interesting opening to her speech where she asked the audience to
memorise her grocery list by making a mental note of it. Kerry put up facts on how reliant we are on
technology and how it affects our brain, cognition and social behaviour. She challenged us to put our devices away and
try to remember... but I can’t remember what she asked us to remember! Steve
provided a thorough and motivating evaluation.
The fun-filled evening wrapped up with award
presentations and comments by the guests.
Awards for the evening:
Best Speaker: Kerry
Best Evaluator: Karen
Best Table Topic: Peter B
Best Contribution on the Night: Alwyn
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