Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Friday, May 3, 2019

Giving a splat about getting a promotion

As seems to be the pattern - another enjoyable, entertaining and informative meeting on Monday 29th April.

Lead for the first time by Kelly, who proved to be a capable Toastmaster, with an accurate agenda and linking between speakers to keep the meeting flowing.

Layeeq introduced the Table Topics session with a brief history lesson on Table Topics. Interesting to hear for both new and long serving members

Ashley with his usual humorous flair introduced our first speaker, Brenda. Her speech "the Art of Self Preservation", introduced us to the art of making jams and marmalade with demonstrations of the equipment used. She sweetened up her presentation by passing around samples of her Damson jam and marmalade for all to try.
Next up was Peter introducing Amy with her speech "It's a Subtle Art". Amy opened up on a part of her personality, revealing she has been told she "cares too much", trying to please everyone and how this may have held her back from promotion at work, until she came across the book "The Subtle Art of not giving a F*ck" and humorously replacing the word "F*ck" with "Splat" throughout her presentation, an informative insight into the book and how Amy hopes it will alter her outlook on life and get her the promotion she richly deserves.

Our third speaker, Kerry, was introduced by Graeme. "Preparing for the Inevitable", Kerry informed us about the purpose of an "Advanced Care Plan". At some stage in or lives, not necessarily older age, we could become incapictated incapacitated and unable to communicate. An Advanced Care Plan, directs relatives on how you would like to be treated if such an event occurs. 

Table Topics was ably evaluated by Christine and Carol who followed the expected CRC [commend, recommend, commend] formula feedback to all participants.

An enjoyable break with a cuppa and chocolate biscuits gave all time to socialise before getting back to the last half of the program.

Ashley entertained us with his evaluation of Brendas presentation on the "Art of Self Preservation". Ashley showed he has a quick wit and listens to what has been said, not only by the speaker he evaluates, but also by others during the meeting.

Peters evaluation of Amy's speech "It's a Subtle Art" was thoughtful and informative, offering praise and helpful suggestions to Amy for future presentations.

Up next was Graeme evaluating Kerry presentation "Preparing for the Inevitable". Another positive, warm and welcoming evaluation with appropriate suggestions for Kerrys next speech.

With the annual Club Officer elections looming, Immediate Past President Craig showed he had done his homework with flip chart covering all the club executive positions and asking each club officer to give a 1 minute presentation on their role to encourage members to stand up at the next meeting and accept the challenge of helping to lead the club for the next 12 months.

The Business Session lead by President Jan show cased and recognised the work by several club members in attaining TM milestones. Congratulations to Layeeq on attaining his Competent Toastmaster award, Amy on   Ian on  Jan on and Kerry on . At the recent Division R conference, the club was presented with the Tui Award for highest percentage of members who had traveled the furtherest to attend the conference Mention and thanks was made to Paul who has decided not to renew his membership after 30 years service to Toastmasters.

Due to growth in club members over the past 12 months, the executive felt the gap between members speeches was becoming too great and proposed a trial starting meetings at 6.30pm to provide time for extra speakers.

Craig presented Christine with an award for her role as Area Governor during the last TM year, attaining Select Area status
The final award was to Ian for his service to Toastmasters over 25 years. Congratulations Ian!

Steve rounded off the meeting with his General Evaluation covering those who had not previously received feedback. He awarded the Best Speaker certificate to Amy and Best Evaluator to Graeme. Best Table Topics speaker was Brenda and Best Contribution to the Meeting Steve.

Layeeq was presented with his CC Certificate, Kerry was congratulated on finishing her CC (to be registered in July) . Jan presented to the Club the “Jim Curtis Memorial” award for attendance at Division R Contest day (most members who travelled the furtherest). 

Looking forward to the next meeting

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