Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Food, food and IRD

We had a great turnout for our 8 April meeting.

Toastmaster Jane got us to the start line, bang on 7pm. The meeting got off to a great start with the reading of the Toastmasters' mission, reminding us what we were there for. Jane was the consummate MC, providing clever adlibs and polished linking segments between speakers. Great job Jane!

Grammarian Tony, explained his role, gave us the word of the day - ebullient - and challenged us to use it during the meeting. He reported back at the end of the meeting on how well our speakers made use of ebullient (pretty well) and on phrases and wordplay that took his fancy. Nice work!

Timer, Craig explained the important role of timekeeper and his timing buddy Jen reported back at the end of the meeting. Great job Craig and Jen.

Speaker one, Carol completing the "get to the point" assignment three from the competent communicator manual talked to us about mood boosting foods, complete with props. The title of Carol's speech was "yes, I have eaten and I'm fine". Kerry, Carol's evaluator delivered a warm and supportive precis including constructive suggestions to improve Carol's future speeches. Well done Carol! Thank you, Kerry.

Carol - With her platter of fruit and vegetable

Speaker two was Christine. Her pathways speech, "forewarned is forearmed, the tax system is changing", talked us through the pending changes affecting every taxpayer. It's great to see excitement about such a taxing subject. Full credit, Christine! Jan, Christine's evaluator delivered another supportive, thorough and constructive evaluation, and used the word of the day!

Christine - IRD is changing for us

Dan gave us an educational that explained meeting roles and responsibilities; very important given how many new members we have welcomed to the club in recent weeks. Dan displayed good understanding, did a great job and showed he had learnt a thing or two in his time with NTMC. An informative, well delivered session.

Ian was our table topics master and he used the theme of helping his daughter shift house as the inspiration for all of the topics. Very inventive and got our speakers really thinking. New members Lauren and Afrin delivered their very first table topics. Well done!

Table topics evaluators James and Peter showed their experience and demonstrated good listening skills. Their evaluations were supportive and recommendations were thoughtful suggestions for improvement. I especially like to see recommendations numbered. What a dynamic duo!

Missing on the night was our sergeant at arms, Graeme who was home practising being one-eyed. See you at the next meeting, Graeme!

Awards for the night:
Best speaker – Christine.
Best evaluator – Kerry.
Best table topic – Steve.
Best contribution – Craig.

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