Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

My Journey of Why I Blame My Mother for Speaking Italian about Rubbish

Included in that heading were the Titles of our four tremendous speeches that we had at Napier Toastmaster’s meeting on 12th November. The Toastmaster of the night was Ian and he had an excellent and very full program planned for us, which he ran with efficiency and interest, joining together the respective items seamlessly during the evening.

A good turnout of members was present, including one guest in Carolyn’s husband, Alan, to hear the first item being Table Topics led by Christine. Christine used Horoscopes as the subjects for Table Topics and this led to some very interesting and sometimes humorous answers from the speakers, Daniel, Paul, Peter M, Karen and Jane. A successful session, well done to all who took part.

Table Topics were evaluated by Bill & Steve, novice & experience, but both acquitted themselves well with some excellent feedback for the speakers and Christine.

The first prepared speech was delivered by our newest member Maureen, being her Ice Breaker. This was entitled "Why I blame My Mother" and Maureen shared with us many interesting facts about her life to date and why she is at Toastmasters (that’s right it was her Mother’s fault in attempting to get her to be more extroverted) and it’s is working because she delivered a well prepared and presented speech, which demonstrated that she is well on the way!
Well Done Maureen.

Next up was President Jan, who gave us a speech from the Pathways program entitled "Speaking Italian". Now most of us probably did not know that Jan is of Italian descent, her father was Italian and her maiden name unpronounceable to us Kiwis!

While Jan did not speak in Italian, just as well for the Evaluator, she clearly demonstrated the facets of Italian speaking such as gestures, volume, silence and food and anyone who has been to Italy will understand what she was saying. An excellent speech, extremely well arranged and presented with a real polish. Great work Jan.

This followed on to a presentation by Carolyn, entitled "Rubbish", but I can assure you that it was not ‘rubbish’ at all. Carolyn commenced by tipping a cardboard box of parcel wrappings on to the floor and describing how that "art"  won a prestigious "art" award last year!! This was a really interesting and almost unbelievable speech about ‘art’ and how some ‘art’ can win great awards and financial gain. We all know that ‘art’ is in the eye of the beholder, but it seems that it is not necessary to be a Michael Angelo or a Rembrant to produce "Master Pieces!"

Very intriguing presentation, excellently well delivered and Carolyn certainly achieved improvement on the areas that it was suggested she work on from her previous speech. Great!

Our final prepared speech was presented by Layeeq, this was entitled "My Journey" and it was his 10th and final speech in the old Competent Communicator Manual to complete his Competent Communicator Award. The objective to ‘Inspire his Audience’ and that’s what he certainly did. Layeeq, covered off his previous nine speeches and what he had gained from each one (all of which I may add were memorable speeches) and how he had grown through the process with help from the Club and putting to practice what he gained.

This speech from Layeeq was no exception to the previous nine and he certainly is a "Competent Communicator"!!!

The speeches were well, evaluated by the night’s evaluators, Kelly, Peter M, Kerry and Jane, all presenting extremely high class evaluations that would have assisted the respective speakers (and other members of the audience) with commendations and excellent suggestions for improvement.

General Evaluator Craig, summed up the meeting, which he felt was a very high standard all round with an Ice Breaker, high class speeches and excellent Evaluations. He was assisted by Grammarian, Campbell who called on his Scottish heritage with the word of the night "Wabbit" means and this was used quite regularly, sometimes even in the right context!!, and Timekeepers Karen and Jane. Karen being selected to give the final report in a precise and accurate manner.

The awards were presented t:
Best Speaker: Layeeq
Best Table Topic: Karen
Best Evaluator: Kelly (it was Kelly’s first evaluation but it was a copybook evaluation and this award thoroughly deserved)
Best Contribution: Layeeq.
Special congratulations to Maureen on her Ice Breaker and Layeeq on completing his Competent Communicator Award.

We do it all again on 26th November.

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