Graeme - Rallying the audience to give their well wishes |
Wherefore art thou Romeo? Not once was [some might say thankfully] was this term used during our Shakespearean themed meeting on 23rd April.
Toastmaster Jane had forewarned members this would be her theme for the night to celebrate the month Shakespeare was born & died 52 years later. Anyone who had not arrived in costume was provided with something to wear by Jane so they became part of the meeting.
Jane - Toasmaster of the evening |
Jane's sense of occasion was evident in her opening of the meeting and welcome to all . A clear and well set out agenda with the titles of the speeches and speech project number lifted the standard.
After a welcome to our guest Teresa, Ashley carried on the theme by using Shakespearean themes with his introduction to Daniel whose Speech entitled "Employment Life Lessons" took us on a journey into his first real world foray of a working life. Humorous and poignant, a reminder of the "good old days" for those who remember their first job.
He was followed by Paul introducing our newest member Peter presenting his "Ice Breaker", "I wasn't trained or prepared for this". An introduction to his early days of employment as an Occupational Therapist in England and now in NZ. A humorous introduction to some of the situations he faced in his employment.
Our other newest member, Karen, presenting her "Ice Breaker", I may not be Jacinda", was introduced by another Peter. A humorous introduction to what happens to her and her daughters at a Mothers Boot camp.
All speakers received a range of excellent commendations with relevant and well explained suggestions for enhancement for their next presentations.
Paul - Delivering an evaluation |
Kate filled in her slot with readings from two of Shakespeares plays. In her introduction she revealed to us her love of Shakespeare from her school days. It was an appropriate meeting theme & choice of material for her. Well read in a difficult style of English not used today.
A brief Business Session from ED VP Steve reminded us of the AGM at the next meeting and the benefits personally and to the club of standing for a club officer role.
Ian had the job of sole Table Topics Evaluator tonight. Carried out with admirable aplomb with an excellent acknowledgement to the bard in his opening address. Covered all the participants with great commendations and where appropriate, recommendations.
The meeting concluded with the General Evaluation of the meeting from Steve, assisted by first time Timekeeper Bill [well done Bill] and Grammarian Layeeq with his word for the night "Swagger". Used verbally and demonstrably by many members.
Presentations for the Best Speaker went to Karen, Best Evaluator Ian, Best Table Topics Carolyn and Best Contribution Bill.
Thanks to Jane for her work in putting the theme night together and adding a different slant to our meeting
Sounds like a tremendous meeting, as I knew it would be with Jane as TM! Just so sorry that I missed it, never like missing a Napier Meeting!!