Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Facebook Is Always Watching!

An entertaining and educational night was had at the Napier Toastmasters Club on Monday.  Ian ably chaired a wonderful evening in his usual skilful and affable manner.

Graeme was our excellent General Evaluator, and was joined on his team by Grammarian Rachel (we loved the 'segacious' word of the night Rachel) and Timekeepers Alastair and Peter who all conducted their roles with aplomb.

Chris announced early in the evening that our talented club member Amy E won the Table Topics Contest for Division D on Sunday, so she will be going on to represent Division D at the District Contest in Blenheim in November.

Amy Receiving Her Trophy and Certificate from Chris for Winning the Division D Table Topics Contest

Division D - Table Topics Contest Participants 2015 - Rotorua

A huge congratulations to Amy, we are so proud of you!!  Watch out competitors, this girl can talk with the best of them!! :)

Craig - Accepting the Division D Best Table Topics Award on Behalf of Amy. - Rotorua

Netta led a great Table Topics session themed 'Let's Get Emotional!' and there were many tears in the audience as the male members in particular opened their hearts and lives to us all.  The speakers were Frustrated Amy, Exhausted Sarah H, Amused Tracey, Happy Chris, Angry Peter, Terrified Rachel and Sad Colin.  We loved the artwork Netta - a really creative, enjoyable and entertaining Table Topics session, well done.  

The first formal speech of the night was delivered by Dee, and this was her final assignment for the CC manual - congratulations Dee.  An inspirational speech titled 'Growing and nurturing positively', Dee encouraged us all to be filling others emotional buckets with our invisible dippers, loved the imagery and the props Dee.  Let's all be proactive and intentional in our communications with others!

Dee's Advice - 'Fill; Don't Dip'
Second speaker Craig delivered his well-researched educational talk titled 'Don't flag it yet!'.  Giving us the background to the upcoming flag referenda and encouraging us all to vote, Craig delivered a well constructed and informative speech.

Third speaker Johno entertained and educated us with 'The Medium is the Message'.  We learnt more about the perils of social media, facebook in particular, and Johno issued a pertinent warning about the all-pervasive nature of the ability of social media to access your personal information.  Thought-provoking Johno!  I recall being told in my younger years that 'If you couldn't show it to your grandmother or put it on a postcard, don't write it in an email!!'.  

The final formal speech for the evening was presented by VPEd Wayne, introducing us to SpeakEasy for the TM programme and giving an excellent powerpoint presentation with background information and tips on how to make our club transition to SpeakEasy smoother.  Thanks Wayne for all your hard work in this initiative, may it reap great benefits for all club members.

The speeches were ably evaluated by Amy, Sarah H, Tracey and Chris, with special commendation to Tracey on an excellent evaluation.  Table Topics evaluators Colin and Nick presented thorough and pertinent evaluations also, with a dollop of comedy included to entertain.  Another special mention is needed for Chris, whose powerful evaluation of Wayne actually caused an earthquake, hard to beat that one Chris!  (No damage done).

Table Topics Evaluators Colin (left) and Nick (right)

President Chris led a well-run and informative business session.  We enjoyed hearing back from the Division D Contest attendees in Rotorua, it's always great to hear how people found the contests and we appreciated Netta's doggy commentary (it is very true Netta, people often look like their pets!). 

Graeme gave considerate and useful feedback in his General Evaluation, and kindly reduced this to summary form as we were running behind time.  Congrats to Rachel on some great grammatical feedback, and a thorough TK report was presented by Alistair.

Awards for the night:
  • Best Table Topics: Colin 
  • Best Speaker: Dee
  • Best Evaluator: Tracey
  • Best Contribution for the Night: Johno

Thanks for reading to the end of my report, see you at the next meeting! We love guests too, you are very welcome!

Sarah H

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