Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Friday, March 6, 2015

A Parallel Universe

Somewhere, beyond Napier's city boundary and over the border is a club that is eerily similar in so many ways to Napier Toastmasters Club; but its not the same. It's an equally lively club with a full compliment of members like our club, but this is where it gets weird. One of its members (Sheryl) is a doppleganger for our Sheryl. The other Sheryl looks the same, sounds the same, and will even talk to you as if she knows you!


The club of which I speak is Hastings Toastsmasters Club. And apart from a different first name, the last two names are identical to ours! How weird is that? As you can imagine, visiting Hastings Toastmasters Club is like being caught in a reality distortion bubble; so familiar, yet so different.

On Thursday the 5th, the four of us (Craig, Graeme, Ian and I) ventured along to judge the International Speech Contest in Hastings. We were treated to three contestants' speeches, three 'manual' speeches, three evaluations, and as judges we retired to the back room (Yes they have one of those too), and on our return we were treated to three table topics (I'm assured there were more, but we have no proof). The Hastings club must have something about doing things in threes!

They also have an Ian W. Unlike the Sheryls, this other club's Ian W. doesn't look anything like our Ian W. He doesn't sound the same, he talks about completely different topics, but greets you in an equally warm and welcoming manner. According to the laws of physics, two objects cannot share the same space at the same time, however, Craig, Graeme and I witnessed both our Ian and the other Ian present in the same room, and what added to the weirdness is this... None of us saw the two Ians speak to each other, so perhaps they could not see each other!

I'm the Real Ian!
Ian gave us an entertaining mono-drama from an advanced manual. In character as a grumpy old self-opinionated ex-military man with a chip on his shoulder, and now employed as a Yeoman, Ian convincingly subjected the audience to the history of the Tower of London as only a grumpy old man could, whilst passing his opinions on famous figures from history, and Mel Gibson's portrayal of William Wallace. It was a humorous speech that kept us glued to our seats. (We dared not move!)

In Napier, we have a couple of Chris's, and a couple of Sarah's. In Hastings, they have an abundance of Sean's - some of them members, and some of them guests. One of the Seans presented an advanced speech about the benefits of using a real estate agent to sell your house, and the disadvantages of buying and selling a house privately. Presented with passion, it was an informative speech covering some of the compliance requirements that real estate agents follow for the benefit of all parties; and which private sellers have no obligation to follow.

Sean - Just spotted Sean in the Audience
Before the contest we also heard an ice-breaker speech from new member Phillipa. It was an inspiring speech called "Taking Hold of Life's Opportunities".

After the break, three contestants, Paul, Brian and Peter shared three different speeches. Paul gave us a very animated set of anecdotal experiences about the power of self reflection called "The Man in the Mirror". Brian presented an inspirational talk about asking the right question, and if the answer is "I don't know", this opens your mind to new possibilities. Peter's speech was titled "This is Not a Book Review" which raised the question about what would you do when under severe stress? Would it break you or make you stronger?

The winner was Paul.
Paul. Hastings Winner of the International Speech Contest

Kelvin gave a fluid evaluation with commendations and recommendations for the chair and evaluators.

All in all - it was an entertaining evening. Thank you Hastings Toastmasters.

Next time I visit, I'll phone our Sheryl to see if she is at home.

1 comment:

  1. What a great report from that anonymous person (could it have been Chris?),summed the meeting up very well and while a little elongated it was really very enjoyable.Go that "man in the mirror!"
