Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Sunday, March 1, 2015

42 Ahs. Um - Another Enjoyable Evening Nonetheless...

The irrepressible Amy led the meeting as our Toastmaster for the night. After the formalities of introducing the various roles for the night and welcoming our guests Sue and Chris, she gave us a line from a famous movie and we had to guess the movie.  She gave us some fabulous lines interspersed during breaks in the meeting.  A lot of thought went into them [she must be a movie fan].

Unfortunately most of the audience was from a different generation and answers weren’t as forthcoming as she might have hoped. However, we got there.  
Toastmaster Amy
Graeme brought on Table Topics and with the Art Deco festivities just gone, his theme was predictably – Art Deco. Graeme made sure everyone who was not presenting a speech or had a major speaking role on the programme was given an opportunity to speak. Questions ranged from how your vintage car won the “Best Car in Parade” award to your experience of driving the “train” around town and piloting [or not piloting as it turned out] the DC3. Seems flicking the wrong switch gets you demoted from pilot to a seat at the back of the plane!

Our first speaker Sheryl, speaking from the Advanced Manual “Speaking to Inform” gave a moving and motivational speech based around a story her son wrote when he was seven on the McChicken Family’s trip to the beach. The theme of her speech was perseverance and self belief were the two keys to success.

Our next speaker, Chris, also spoke from an Advanced Manual – The Entertaining Speaker. His series of anecdotes, based apparently on real life, was around Clients from Hell. Such as the client who invited him out for coffee, then expected him to pay, while the client quietly had his loyalty card stamped!, the client who rang up on Christmas day with some ideas for a job he wanted done in January and the one who had her secretary call Chris and then put him on hold until she was ready to talk to him. Talk about a self-inflated ego!

Our third speaker of the evening was Aaron who presented his Ice Breaker – his first speech to the club.  Aaron was very keen, having attended as a guest at the previous meeting, liked it so much he presented his speech and joined the club at this meeting. We learned a lot about Aaron and his goals which no doubt will form the basis for further speeches.

Service and Leadership – qualities we could all embrace, were the themes for Sarah's educational presentation and how her skills learned in Toastmasters has immensely benefitted her professional life.

All speakers were ably introduced and evaluated with commendations and recommendations being given to all.

Our Grammarian Kim had a very busy time reviewing some of the colloquiums used and counting the number of filler words including 72 ums and 42 ahs.  

Grammarian Kim and General Evaluator Ian

Timekeepers Tony and Martin ensured the meeting ran to time while General Evaluator Ian ensured everyone who spoke during the night received feedback with commendations and where appropriate a recommendation.

Voted Best Speaker was Aaron, Best Table Topics Speaker Sue , Best Evaluator Netta and Best Contribution Graeme.  



  1. Obviously another great Napier meeting, really sorry I missed it but family commitments called me to Gisborne, well written report with not too much detail.

  2. Well done to all three speakers. All three speeches were great. Another enjoyable meeting.
