Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Monday, February 9, 2015

Yeah Right!

Toastmaster Sarah welcomed a small but enthusiastic group to the Toastmaster New Year. Chris read the mission statement and Wayne the general evaluator promised a 360 Degree feedback on the meeting. Sarah read out the 9 apologies. Putting the programme together had obviously been a challenge but well done Sarah for pulling it all together on the night and for not letting all the changes faze you or mar the night handling the meeting expertly.


Table Topic master Gareme who Kiwi sayings for his theme. The participants were to choose a number thereby choosing a saying.

Netta was first up with “Yeah right” speaking about strange noises in the night.

Sarah’s words “Get lost” describing moving from Kerikeri to Auckland and feeling lost.

Sarah chose “Who cares” and described her recent trip to the gannet colony.

Amy was given “You don’t say” and spoke about getting her hair braded in a marathon 12 hours.

Steve’s choice was “Cor Blimy” and took us on an energetic journey up hills

Christine’s choice “Please yourself” and talked about taking a few minutes each day to do just what you want to.

Craig Chose “Is that right” and described a trying to get the Tv going again.

The options not chosen were “Gidday” “I’m hungry” “Are we there yet” and “Know-it-all”. Thanks Greame for a well run Table Topics session. Great to hear the remaining options.

Our first speech of the night was introduced and evaluated by Kim. Netta’s Title “Oh the places you will to” spoke about her addiction to reading books and inspired us to read more as we would be surprised in the places we would go. This was Netta’s 10 speech.  Congratulations on becoming a Competent Communicator. Well Done.

Netta’s speech was competently evaluated by Kim.

Sarah presented an Educational on the International Speech Contest programmed for the 9thMarch. Sarah went through the rules and running of the contest and the Judging criteria encouraging us to enter the contest.

James and Chris evaluated the Table Topics speakers giving speakers some useful suggestions for improvement.


Our next speaker was Martin giving his first speech to the club introduced by Craig.

Martin’s Speech entitled “Its all about me” was exactly that and told us about his family his work and his motivations. Well done Martin I felt you spoke from the heart and connected with the audience.

Martins Speech was ably evaluated by Craig.

Interesting evening with a Ice Breaker and a 10th speech in the same night. One Toastmaster beginning their Toastmaster journey and someone at the end of that first step becoming a Competent Communicator.

Sarah conducted the business Session.

Firstly she presented Martin with his name badge.

Sarah reminded us we are entering the second half of the year and so it is timely to thing about your goals for the year and to consider joining the committee.

Sarah reminded the committee that Club Leadership Training is this Friday 13th at our club venue 6mp to 9.30 Everyone is welcome to attend

She suggested we check out the new TI Website as it has been revamped.

The Area Contests are on the 20th March also at our hall - put this date in your Diary

Sarah reminded the Committee of the Exec meeting on Monday 16th at Sarah’s place and extended an invitation to all club members to come along and see what the committee does.

Craig gave a brief summary of the BBQ at Anderson Park and told us he and Graeme are judging a speech contest at the RSA this Sat at 10.30 Craig invited everyone to come along and hear some great speeches the winner receives a trip to Gallipoli.

Steve spoke about the forward programme and suggested you check the progress chart available at every meeting.

The meeting was ably evaluated by Wayne with helpful suggestions for all the evaluators and Toastmaster.

The night Awards as voted by the members were

  • Best  Speaker: Martin 
  • Best Evaluator: Craig  
  • Best Table Topics Speaker: Netta 
  • Best Contribution: Graeme 
Well done everyone Great meeting to kick off the new year.


  1. A small but most enjoyable gathering. So neat to hear an icebreaker and speech number 10 in the same meeting. Well done to Martin and Netta on their achievements. Thanks to everybody for being flexible with the many changes. Welcome to our enthusiastic guest - looking forward to you coming along next time :) Sarah L.

  2. Our next meeting is on Monday 23rd February. We would love to see as many guests as possible. If you would like to see what Toastmasters is about, please come along.
