Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Great Way to Start 2015

We kicked off the 2015 Napier Toastmaster’s year with a great BBQ at Anderson Park. It was a beautiful summer’s evening, and we timed the event very nicely, as rain came to Hawke’s Bay the following day. A hearty happy birthday was given to our esteemed President Sarah L!

Despite having a number of club members give apologies, we still had a good turnout of 20 people. It was lovely to have many family members attend. Many thanks to Craig and Graeme for their stirling efforts on the BBQ. We headed back to Ian and Jo’s for some entertaining oral readings and delicious tea and coffee afterwards, thanks for having us Ian and Jo!

Looking forward to seeing you all at the first routine meeting for the year, Monday 9 Feb.

Sarah H


  1. Great weather, great food and great company. Thanks to all those who helped with the organization of the BBQ and to all those who came along. Thanks Sarah for writing the report and being official photographer for the night. What a lovely way to spend my birthday too! Cheers. Sarah L.

  2. Thanks to those who took the time to come along to our 'first' meeting of the year the traditional BBQ, I believe we all had a great night even tho. it did cool down rather quickly. The Chefs enjoyed it and all the food was great(even the BBQ!) Excellent report Sarah, pity about one of the photos!
