Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Friday, September 12, 2014

An Insightful Evening

What a fantastic evening – even though there were many apologies (sorry too many for me to get down I am afraid!)

The evening was successfully steered by our captain Wayne who had the drive to make sure the evening went to time.

The word of the night was ‘insightful’, chosen by the Grammarian, Ian.

Table Topics Master Graeme

Graeme was in charge of Table Topics this evening. He announced a scenario in which two people then acted the scene out.

Sarah Hall, being unwell, asked Chris to get her a lotto ticket, he delivers the money back to her telling her the ticket was no good, only he drove up in a brand new Mercedes.

Sarah Lee ate a cupcake without paying. Ian wants to talk to her about the cupcake. Instead of telling Sarah off, Ian just politely suggested that she took advantage of the cupcake offer.

Colin and Dee
Dee had found a wallet that was full of $50 notes. Colin sees this and claims that the wallet is his…. Even though it contains no ID.

Amy and Wayne
Caught using a cell phone while driving, Wayne was pulled over by Constable Amy… and ended up with a lot of fines to go towards the police Christmas fund.

Kane did a great job evaluating the table topics, especially going solo.

Our first speech for the evening was from Hannah completing speech 7 out of the Competent Communicator Manual. Her speech titled: One and half million. The speech was very insightful based on the Auschwitz camp. It was a very powerful and haunting speech.

Colin provided valuable feedback, commending Hannah on her speech. Her first line caught the audience’s attention and painted word pictures. Recommendations included stating a variety of sources and use of visual aids.

Kim was our second speaker for the evening from project 3 from the CC manual ‘Get to the Point’. Kim’s speech was titled: Helicopters, Bulldozers and Snowploughs. Kim informed us that children hadn’t changed in their behaviour – it was the parents. Kim talked about the three different types of parents. Helicopter parents over their children, Bulldozer’s are inflexible, my way of the highway and Snowplough’s push all the issues away from the kids.

Dee evaluated Kim’s speech and commended her on a well-constructed speech with great use of pause and body language.

Area Governor Craig
Craig gave us his area governor speech, as he was on his official visit. He informed us that the most important part of the club is the member.


Rebecca was our third speaker for the evening completing project 2 from the CC manual organise your speech. Rebecca’s speech was titled ‘Daily Deals’ and enlighten us all on the dirty dealings of daily deals. She questioned the companies selling this product and who is it really hurting. Rebecca urged us to all support our local business and not deal with the daily deals.

Tony evaluated Rebecca and commended her for the confident delivery and good use of visual aids. Recommendations included using vocal variety to really hit home the main points.

Sarah Lee gave us an Educational session on the Humorous speech competition and outlined the rules and regulations. The competition is on the 22nd of September.

Our General Evaluator, Netta commended our evaluators for the evening who were all very thorough, very positive and provided supportive recommendations.

  • Best Contribution: Graeme
  • Best Table topics: Wayne and Amy
  • Best Evaluator: Tony
  • Best Speaker: Rebecca

Well done everyone and well done to Wayne for finishing up a whole 7 minutes early!!



  1. Thank you Amy, for another detailed report. I enjoyed the evening as always. Sarah

  2. A great meeting as always and i'll now think twice about using Grabone. Hannah

  3. Excellent meeting and great report Amy, well done to everyone involved.
