Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How Would Your Life be Different?

With the table topic contest and its question "How would your life be different if you had been born as the opposite gender?", the hall filled with laughter as contestants skilfully navigated their way through or around the topic.

Table Topic Contestants

For David it wouldn't really matter if he had been born as a woman; it was a matter of making do with whatever nature throws at you.

As a man, Amy would quite happily put her hand down her own pants (as men are known to do - apparently).

Netta would relish being a man because it's a man's world, and it means she would be able to sit around the house and do nothing.

Chris drew inspiration from the word of the day and its synonyms, and extolled how wonderful woman are, then forgot the question.

Peter decided it was better to be a man; what with chainsaws to wield and there being no need to go through the pain of childbirth.

Ian similarly was more than happy to remain Ian.

Craig figured that he would make a wonderful woman because he enjoyed cleaning the house and had tried wearing high heels.

Last of all our guest Kane decided that life would be just as good as it is now, and instead of hunting deer and playing rugby, ballet might be just the thing.

Thank you to our judges from Hastings Toastmasters; Peter Crofsky, Judith & Rex Bartlet, and David Gore.

The winners (announced by Contest Chair Steve) are:
- first place to Amy
- second place to Netta, and
- third place to Craig

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all who participated in what was a lively and exhilarative contest.

And thank you to Steve for a smoothly run and lively contest.


Peter started the meeting on time, but without it's banner, which was only picked up by the General Evaluator James towards the end of the meeting. We were all so engrossed with the meeting, that no one else noticed. As part of James's team, Lana gave us the word of the day "Exhilarative", which was used by many speakers, and Craig timed the meeting with consummate ease.


We had two icebreaker speeches; one from Gayle and the other from Hannah. Thank you Gayle and Hannah for sharing your stories with us.

Hannah's speech was entitled "I'm lucky to be alive". Hannah recounted a number of experiences that she had, and had they gone differently, life would be very different. From getting shot in the eye by a paintball, being scooped off her bicycle by the bonnet of a car to being caught in the middle of the Christchurch earthquake in February 2011, these experiences led to Hannah developing a greater appreciation of life.

Gayle's speech was entitled "Time Share". Gayle extolled us with her love of history, and a favourite pastime; dressing up dress forms as an art form. Born in Hamilton and raised in Taupo, Gayle started her working life at the age of 14 as a butcher, then went on to work in a restaurant. We learned about her family and the importance of faith in her life and her favourite book, the Bible. Gayle said that compressing 62 years into five minutes wasn't easy, but I think she did a marvellous job.

The speeches were evaluated by Ian and Amy respectively. Amy commented on Hannah's warm and endearing approach to her speech and Ian on the aspirational qualities of Gayle's speech.

James in turn, evaluated the evaluators use of CRC with a bit of CRC himself; no that's not the lubricant that mechanics use, but C.R.C. (Commend, Recommend, Commend).

Business Section

Craig covered a number of items in the business session including:
- the up-coming demonstration meeting that will be held on the 14th of October
- a call for members to volunteer as judges for Hastings humorous speech contest (on the 5th of September)
- and Gayle received her membership kit.

David Gore (Guest Judge) gave us some advice; to base our humorous speeches on our own personal experiences. David also gave us some examples, including the inspiration for a speech he once gave that came 2nd in world for the Taped Speech Contest.


Christine ran through the rules for the Humorous Speech Contest which will be held on the 9th of September. Some of the rules are:
- As a contestant, you can stay in the room and listen to the other contestants.
- The speech should be five to seven minutes duration.
- You can use a speech you have delivered before

You will be judged on content (50%), delivery (30%) and language (20%), and of course I hope you will enter.


Peter announced the evening's winners and closed the meeting with well wishes for all. Congratulations go to:
Hannah for Best Speaker
Ian for Best Evaluator
James for Best Contribution

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