Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Monday, November 27, 2023


Napier Toastmasters meeting on 27th November was well attended and it was great to welcome four guests at this time of the year. The Toastmaster for the night was Song and she did a wonderful job in her first time as Toastmaster, with a well organised program (that had initially been decimated with late withdrawals) and kept the evening flowing well.

While we were down to two speeches (from the initial four) the evening was still entertaining and educational and the program worked right through until 9.00pm

Our first speaker was Ian with a speech entitled "DCP", introduced by Greg. This was a replacement speech which Ian stepped in to complete and he commenced by talking about the DCP 'December Christmas Party!' however this was to attract our attention (and it worked) as he was actually going to talk about the 'Distinguished Club Program' in Toastmasters. He achieved a high level of motivating members to complete assignments, which all go towards the Club's progress plus of course their personal progress and opened the eyes of a few members (not only new ones either!.) A well constructed presentation which certainly achieved its objectives of motivating us. Greg gave Ian some worthwhile feedback in his evaluation.

Next up was Nic, who has only been a member for about 3 months but delivered his third speech to the Club entitled "You will be Fine" and was introduced by Ros. Nic utilised some interesting incidents from his first arrival in NZ from France including almost being arrested for 'driving to slow' while getting used to driving on the left hand side! Nic has some very interesting experiences to share with the Club and this was another of them, while achieving the objectives of the assignment and giving his Evaluator, Ros, some areas to suggest improvements for his next speech.

In the business session , President Jan, informed us about the last meeting of the year on 11th December, fun Table Topics, bring a plate to share and a $5 gift to share, Club will assist with refreshments, to be held at The Co-Hub behind the Taradale Town Hall 7.00pm as the Greenmeadows Centre is utilised by the Council for Xmas fare distribution.

Table Topics followed (an impromptu speaking assignment) and Ian utilised some Robbie William's tunes to inspire questions which were well answered by all who participated including a couple of the guests, who had been primed up before the meeting. Some excellent answers came through, particularly from guests Dave & Elliot but Andy took the cake as the best Table Topic, which was "What keeps him awake at night?"

After supper (we were dieting as the biscuits were forgotten) we had the evaluations of the speeches by Greg and Ros and Table Topics by Jan, this was an exceptional example of a Table Topics Evaluation and gave all the speakers commendations and in most cases a couple of areas they may look at improving on, which everyone could learn from. This is not easy to do when you have 6/7 speakers in a row. The meeting wrapped up with the General Evaluation by Craig assisted by Timekeeper Ian (he wears many hats!!) and Grammarian, Ros whose word of the night "perspective' was used fairly regularly by the speakers.

Another excellent meeting, enjoyable, entertaining and enlightening and after our Christmas break following the meeting on Monday 11th December we recommence at Greenmeadows on Monday 12th February. Join us for the New Year.

Best Speaker : Nic                  Best Evaluator : Jan

Best Table Topic : Andy         Best Contribution : Ian (3 roles in one night!)

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