Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Monday, April 17, 2023


Our meeting on 17th April was sparsely attended but we had an excellent night with several members doing more than one role (great value for money!) We were meeting on the 3rd Monday due to the holiday on 25th April (the day after the 4th Monday) and this may have caught a few members out! The Toastmaster of the night was Ian and he as usual ran an excellent program which I believe was enjoyed by all. The grammarian, Song, word of the night was 'stupendous' and that described the meeting extremely well and was frequently used by the speakers (you could say over used by some!!) 

The first prepared speech was by our Toastmaster Ian, "You are never to old to learn" was the title and his objective were to Inspire the audience. He certainly did this showing that even in advancing years you can learn new tricks, like cultivating live maggots to feed his brother's finches which he and his wife were looking after out of Sydney while house sitting. A fascinating story delivered with great vocal variety and gestures, I can still see him delving into the maggots, talking to them as he nurtured them through to their destiny with the birds! A really well related personal experience which he presented with very little warning as a speaker had dropped out earlier in the day. Did you know that in 10 years time we may well be eating maggots (full of protein - apparently!!). Craig introduced and evaluated Ian; not a difficult job for such a great presentation and it was suggested (tongue in cheek-I hope) that Ian could have enhanced his speech with a show and tell on producing the maggots! 

Next speaker was our President, Ros with a speech entitled "To go there and back" all about a planned trip to Hobbiton and the trials and tribulations that occurred prior to it being successfully completed and thoroughly enjoyed. Ros is a "Lord of the Rings" fan from way back and has an amazing collection of memorabilia. To the disappointment of one audience member she did not talk about the actual experience at Hobbiton (perhaps a future speech?) and her objective was to handle interjections and she did this extremely well with little distraction from the idea of the speech. Jan introduced and evaluated Ros's speech having handed out roles to various members before the assignment regarding their part in the interjection process. Jan had plenty of praise for Ros, thoroughly deserved in the way that the interjections were handled plus also giving her a couple of suggestions (in her opinion) for improvement. 

Graeme was our Table Topic master and everyone shared in Table Topics, with four words given to each speaker by Graeme and they were to speak about one of them; although, in most cases they spoke about all four. It seems some people like to make things difficult for themselves! Ian (up again) evaluated Table Topics with commendations for Graeme and comments on each speaker including some worthwhile recommendations. 

Craig concluded by giving his General Evaluator's report assisted by the Grammarian, Song , who gave a very full and excellent report, not just on the use of the word of the night, stupendous, (used by one person 11 times!!) but also on interesting word usage, which she felt added impact to members presentations. Andy gave a competent Time keeper's report and the awards were presented, so we finished a few minutes before 9.00pm. 

Best Speaker; Ros,    Best Table Topic; Andy (Tony) 
Best Evaluator; Jan   Best Contribution; Craig. 

A special well done to Ian, who for those of you counting carried out three roles during the night (Toastmaster, Speaker and Table Topics Evaluator). They say a Toastmaster wears many hats and that just proves it!! 

NOTE; Next meting is Monday 8th May, with the holiday weekends out of the way we are back to 2nd & 4th Mondays, SEE YOU THERE! 

We also wish all the best to Roslynn (Table Topics) and Jan (Evaluation) at the District 112 Contest finals in Auckland on 6th / 7th May. It is not often a Club has finalists in TWO different District finals!! There is certainly oodles of quality in Napier Toastmasters Club.

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