Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Sunday, November 3, 2019

A joining of two, a gathering for all.

Meeting report, Hawkes Bay Toastmasters: 14 October 2019

Not quite a case of we're getting married, but tonight's meeting wedding theme was in honour of Sarah K impending nuptials. 

The room was superbly decorated by the club committee and most members dressed suitably for the occasion; one member even wearing her original wedding dress.

Five speeches and an educational presentation meant for a full programme with our time keepers Joy and Remil doing their best to keep everyone to time.

The "Reverend" Ian carried out his role as marriage celebrant complete with appropriate garment, set the scene and tempo for an interesting meeting.

"Reverend" Ian

Table Topics run by Jane, suitably carried a wedding theme with subjects as diverse as your favourite wedding music, top wedding gifts [to give or not to give], marriage advice, the role of the best man/woman and how to get into your mother in laws good books.

A very enthusiastic Jane dressed for the occasion

Table Topics Evaluation by Craig and Ashley encouraged those taking part for their humour and sometimes off beat answers to their wedding theme questions. Jan was congratulated for the excellence on her wedding themed topics.

Two talented evaluators competing for the best music quotes, from such like Elvis.

Our first speaker Ren presented his first speech to the club - his Ice Breaker entitled "My Self". We learned a lot about Ren's background and his journey from Sri Lanka. Carol carried out an admirable job introducing and later providing feedback on Ren's speech.

Carol delivering her evaluation

Next up was William, also presenting his first speech to the club with a personal insight into some of the tough parts to his life which he has successfully overcome. He sees Toastmasters as one way of achieving his goals in life.  Ian's evaluation feedback was insightful and should prove helpful as he continues on his Toastmasters journey.

William, delivering his ice breaker

A Wedding Toast from Brenda to the "blushing" bride Sarah, revealed the research Brenda had carried out about Sarah with lots of fun facts for us to enjoy and plenty of humour.

We then broke for an extended "wedding supper" with wonderful food provided by Sarah and some willing helpers. A fitting feast.

Back into the last half of the meeting, by now a little behind the agenda times, but no one worried. Next up was Kerry with a sincere and confident delivery on the art of evaluation. Ideas for us all such as focusing on one or two aspects of the speech delivery and using a template based on the Evaluation Contest judging form.

Jan introduced us to Kelly and his speech entitled "To be or not to be. What is Success?". Kelly gave us all something to think about as to what success might mean and how we may all look at it differently. A great evaluation from Jan on his speech was relevant and well deserved.

Next up was Graeme introducing us to Alwyn, speech title "The Pitch", a humorous [and maybe genuine?] pitch on a solo business he intends to create. He used the What, Why, Who approach to give us an insight into what he was offering and had to answer some "interesting" questions at the end.  We will be watching this budding entrepreneurs progress.

Meeting concluded with feedback from Grammarian Patrick and first time timekeeper Joy, assisted by Remil. An excellent job with a difficult meeting to monitor. General Evaluator Steve wrapped up the meeting in quick style, offering feedback to those who had not yet been a recipient.

Ian, who had been filing in with appropriate comments all through the meeting and generally keeping everything under control rounded off and closed the meeting.

Best Table Topics award went to Remil
Best Speaker Alwyn
Best Evaluator Graeme
Best Contribution to all those responsible for setting up and arranging the "wedding" venue.

1 comment:

  1. What a great meeting this was, as they usually are and it was wonderful to have the 'bride to be' in attendance.
