Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Chilly evening - but warm meeting!

Another chilly night, with our meeting opening with a warm welcome by first time Toastmaster of the evening, Peter B. With an updated program, Peter read the apologies and welcomed our two guests. Incoming President Jane provided the word of the evening, 'urge', with her final comments in urging us to use it.

An interesting twist to Table Topics, was outlined by Steve, who chose professional occupations as his theme. At first, it appeared it was going to be the good old standard ones like teaching, but quickly moved into areas such as paint washer dryer, mourner, train pusher, pet food taster, gas sniffer, cuddler and dice quality inspector or was that iceberg breaker. Some very interesting career paths, which allowed all participants to use their imagination. Best Table Topic was taken out by Tony, who revelled in the pet food tasting role.

Our first speaker was Lauren with her Ice breaker; a speech which introduces herself to members. This was a very different speech where Lauren shared some of her inner thoughts on 'my life'. Lauren used the word urge, asked a question of the audience and made minimal use of notes. A great first speech and in doing so, took out the Best Speaker award.

Our next speaker was Peter M with the intriguing title 'cool it'. A thought-provoking speech, well suited to the objective of persuade with power. Peter outlined the need for action regarding climate change and the effects on our environment. This was well researched calling on notaries such as James Hansen who raised the issue in 1988 with the US Congress! A challenge and call to action, even though small by each and everyone of us, to play our part to literally save the world.

Our final speaker was Graeme. It was duly noted that Graeme had been with the Napier club for 43 years, a remarkable feat and still has a great story and outcome to share with us. Graeme took us on a journey regarding his eyes, and the need for glasses. Another persuade with power culminating in having an operation (even at the age of 79) and now not needing glasses at all. A timely reminder for members to seek professional advice and even a second opinion when it comes to our well-being.

All of our evaluators provided effective feedback with everyone using the CRC formula. The duo of Jan and Kelly provided pertinent feedback, which would have allowed all table topic participants to work on at least one aspect of their impromptu delivery. Dan, likewise provided feedback to Lauren that would allow her to further enhance her speech and in doing so was awarded Best Evaluator of the evening. Karen and Craig provide wonderful background information of their speakers, and similarly gave lavish commendations, as was appropriate, and provided recommendations that will assist both Peter and Graeme.

President Jan, reminded all members of the upcoming Awards evening, Monday 29 July, with the venue being the Breakwater Room, East Pier. Diary it now.

Peter concluded by presenting the Best Contribution to Ros (Alwyn's mum, and second visit to the Club) for accepting the challenge and partaking in table topics. Another great meeting, enhanced by the professionalism by Peter in chairing the meeting, with members being provided with insightful speeches and evaluations.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent report on yet another great meeting, we go from strength to strength!
