Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Monday, June 18, 2018

Ice Ice Amy

On a cold a wet evening a reasonable turnout of Napier Toastmasters enjoyed a great evening's entertainment at their meeting on 11th June. There were several late apologies which required some late adjustments to the program, but Toastmaster of the night Peter M (who made the regular trip from Wairoa!) handled these well and in the end everything went ahead of plan, due to a couple of more experienced members stepping up to double up on roles. They say the more speaking opportunities you get then the better 'value for money' so why not??

Peter ran an excellent evening and joined together the respective items seamlessly, providing a well set out agenda and a lovely warm, welcoming environment thanks to the Sgt-at-arms, Graeme's early arrival and the 'stand-in' host's (Jan) greeting to everyone as they arrived.

Table Topics was first on the agenda and Kerry presented a tremendous line-up of topics for members to answer and give an opinion on. They ranged from "making medicinal marijuana legal', "over 70's should lose their driver's licenses", "NZ should be smoke free by 2025" to something about "sex-robots and infidelity!". Everyone had excellent opinions and answered their topic with passion and enthusiasm. Speakers were Campbell, Bill, Peter M, Peter B, Karen, Jan and Amy. Best Table Topic (again) went to Karen.

Kerry - Presenting Table Topics

We were privileged to  have three Ice Breakers on the program tonight and these were all of an excellently high standard, first up was Amy (a very experienced speaker doing her first assignment on the new Pathways program) and what an interesting and well presented speech it was, entitled "Let's Face It". Amy told us about Amy, utilising some personal stories to demonstrate who Amy really is, I would congratulate Amy on being honest and sharing with us some hitherto unknown facts about herself. Very entertaining (in Amy's normal style)  and most enlightening. Congratulations Amy!!

Amy - "Let's Face It"

Next prepared speech was by a new member Carolyn, this was entitled "Change is as good as a Holiday!!" (well we could say ye-right here!!) as Carolyn told us about herself through many years of "no change" to a change of residence and the problems that this presented. Well thought out and presented presentation, that anyone would be justifiably proud of for their first speech to the Club. Well done Carolyn, we look forward eagerly to your next assignment.

Carolyn - "Change is as good as a holiday"

Following a break (when the water was hot!!) we enjoyed our third Ice Breaker from another new member, Kelly. After the first two I/B's one could feel a little for Kelly having to follow on, however he excelled in his presentation entitled "Oh-my Job!", telling us about the jobs that he has had during his life to date, in an interesting and humorous manner with a Maori welcome and conclusion. This allowed us to really get to know a great deal about Kelly, who has been really keen to get the first speech underway and having heard it we are really keen to hear the next installment!! Great effort Kelly, which earned him "Speaker of the Night" (but it was a close decision!!)

Kelly - "OMJ!"

The speeches were evaluated in exemplary fashion by Craig, Jane & Graeme who were all able to commend their speakers (not difficult in view if the quality of the speeches) and also offer them some suggestions for improvement. We are very fortunate in this Club to have some tremendous evaluators and I believe this is really a strength of the Club in honing members skills. Best Evaluation was awarded to Jane.

The Table Topic session was evaluated by Jan & Craig, who again were able to compliment all the speakers and offer some suggestions for improvement, in their opinion.

Jan and Craig - Table Topic Evaluators

The grammarian for the night was Karen with her word of 'hopeful' and she was hopeful that it would be used regularly during the evening and would have been well satisfied that it was!

The meeting was summed up by General Evaluator, Graeme (standing in at the last minute) and his comments were brief (due –he said- to the quality of the meeting,the evaluations , the capable running of things by Peter M and the fact he was busy doing a speech evaluation and making supper!!). He was  assisted by the Timekeeper , Bill, who arranged that we finished ahead of time.

A tremendous all round meeting well worth the effort of coming out on such a nasty evening, and our guest Sarah said as much. We do it all again on 25th June when the Toastmaster will be Kate.

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