Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Sunday, March 18, 2018

March meeting

A well attended gathering of over 20 enthusiastic members and visitors met at the Greenmeadows Hall to listen and participate in an eventful evening.

Toastmaster of the night – Ashley – warmly welcomed everyone and we were very soon into a stimulating Table Topics session led by Christine. Her theme was the changing seasons, which turned out to be an excellent warm-up opportunity for the nine speakers. The session was evaluated single-handed by Layeequlla who gave a lot of praise to speakers and acknowledged their efforts.
Kate our Grammarian presented the word of the evening: stereotype, which was well used throughout by adventurous speakers.

Tonight Patrick was the timekeeper and carried out the role very efficiently.

There were two scheduled speakers this evening. Our first presenter was Emma – introduced and evaluated by Amy, who gave an experts example of how to introduce a speaker with flair and expectation. Emma's speech "Motivation - Do you get it"?, involving the use of Visual Aids certainly lived up to the promise. In turn Amy's evaluation was colourful, encouraging, showed appreciation and was nicely concluded.

Two new members, Karen and Bill were inducted and welcomed into the club by Jane with her warm and relaxed style.

The second speaker this evening was Jane who was introduced and evaluated by Brenda. Brenda, an experienced toastmaster, showed how to introduce a speaker by telling a little about Jane, her experience and the purpose of the speech. Again, Jane's presentation "I'm on holiday, what do you do for work"? was of a high standard and very entertaining as she related her experiences when travelling around the east coast. Brenda's task to evaluate such an entertaining speech was a difficult one. However she made some very thoughtful commendations which would have been rewarding for any speaker and yet included some good recommendations.

Ian (Base Camp Manager!) presented an update on the new "Pathways" programme for Toastmasters which has replaced the system we have had for many years. However members can still continue with existing manuals they are working on and move to Pathways after that.

Ian - presenting an update on the Pathway programme

Finally, awards were also presented to participants at last meeting's International Speech Contest.

As noted by several visitors, this was yet another enjoyable and stimulating evening at Napier Toastmasters providing a great atmosphere but also giving opportunity for personal growth.

Best Speaker – Jane
Best Evaluator – Amy
Best Contribution – Layeequlla
Best Table Topics speaker – Brenda.

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