Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Having Lunch with a Gruffalo

The meeting was warmly opened by our Toastmistress, Kim. After Kim ran through the agenda and apologies (Ian, Wayne, Sheryl, Tom, Colin, Kane, Dee, Sarah H and Paul), Craig introduced our guest, Martin.
Kim - Toastmaster
Steve (General Evaluator) explained the role of evaluators in giving feedback. He reminded us that feedback not only helps the speaker, but is a learning opportunity for everyone. Steve then introduced his team:
  • Rebecca (Grammarian) introduced the word of the day: ‘Zealous’.
  • James (Timekeeper) reminded us of the importance of keeping to time. 
  • The Mission Statement was read by Tony. 
Tony (Tabletopics Master) ran a fascinating tabletopics session in which participants were being interviewed for various jobs and had to explain why they should be hired.

Amy - Enjoying the Power of Being a Truancy Officer
Amy explained that she’d make a great Truancy Officer because she is physically scary and could make children convulse and wet their pants.

Hannah would be well-suited to the role of a Lotto Ticket Shredder, even if she doesn’t understand the logic of shredding lotto tickets.

Steve - Our (Hot) Water Diviner

Steve would make a great Hot Water Specialist because he is always in hot water.

As Santa Clause, Peter would make sure farmers were rewarded for their hard labour. 

Rebecca - Serious about Chocolate!

Rebecca likes chocolate and would love to work at at a chocolates factory. 

Craig - Serious About Rugby

If given the opportunity to work for Hawkes Bay Rugby Union, Craig would make sure the Ranfurly Shield stays in Hawkes Bay, with a little help from Ritchie McCaw.

Netta introduced the first speaker of the evening, Sarah L. Sarah spoke from the Speciality Speeches manual. Her challenge (which she mastered beautifully), was to present a 5-7 minute impromptu speech on a topic picked by Netta (from 5 Sarah had chosen beforehand). Sarah was given the topic of “Caravans” and talked about her memories of staying in caravans both as a young girl and more recently with Bubbles and Olive.

Christine - Humorous Table Topics Evaluator
Graeme and Christine provided a humorous but helpful evaluation of the table topics session.

Peter then introduced our second speaker of the evening, Amy. To set the scene Peter encouraged us to pretend we were kindergarten children, like Amy’s previous audience. Amy then presented an animated and captivating story about a mouse and a Gruffalo.

At this point, we had a 10 minute break for tea/coffee and chocolate biscuits.

Netta then provided an evaluation of Sarah’s superbly presented speech. Well done Sarah!

Chris presented an interactive educational on the Role of the Toastmaster. Here is a very brief overview of what you should do as Toastmaster. If you have any questions talk to Steve or Chris.

The week before, ring the following:
  • Speakers
  • GE (GE then phones evaluators)
  • Tabletopics Master
  • VP Education (apologies etc)
  • President (find out how long they need)

On the night:
  • Print agenda (otherwise contact Steve to print agenda)
  • Arrive early to set up TM table & make sure people turn up
  • Finish meeting on time (or ask permission to run late.
Peter then provided an evaluation of Amy’s “Fantastic Pleasant Presentation”. Well done Amy.

Sarah (President) then ran the business session:

Peter was presented a certificate for participating in the Humorous Speech Contest

There are advanced manuals available to borrow.

Craig, Steve, Christine, Sarah L, Sarah H, and Graeme are off to the Bay of Islands for the District Convention. Graeme will report back at the next meeting.

Steve ran through the agenda for the next meeting

Sarah would like us to let her know before the meeting if we have an item for the Business Session.

Tony ran a bonus round of Tabletopics where we learned that:

  • As a stock buyer, James would make sure that there is always “a lot of stock… but not too much”. 
  • Christine explained how as a personal trainer she could set the scene the at the gym and challenge members to step up their game. 
  • Sarah L would like to work in IT/graphics and explained how she has experience in designing cakes on the computer. 
  • As a Property Manager, Martin would cut out the speculation about house prices and help first home buyers. 
  • Graeme would make a fabulous netball coach. He then went on to explain that his reason for being vertically challenged is because he grew up in Invercargill where it’s cold. 
  • Kim was applying for a job as a long wait specialist and explained the important role of an apprentice. Netta would like to be a travel agent and talked about selling the ‘dream’. 
  • Chris would like to sell 4X4 vehicles and understands the rationale behind cars having four wheels. 

Next Steve (GE), Rebecca (Grammerian) and James (Timekeeper) provided their feedback on the meeting. Kim (Toastmistress) then announced the winners of the evening and closed the meeting.

Congratulations to:
  • Best Table Topic: Rebecca
  • Best Evaluator: Peter
  • Best Speech: Amy
  • Best Contribution: Chris

Hannah M.


  1. An excellent meeting and a very good report Hannah, I am still in awe at Amy's presentation about the 'Gruffalo' !
    I am sure that Martin will be back at the next meeting, I know you will make him feel welcome.

  2. Thanks for not posting the worst picture of me lol, great report Hannah!
