Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Napier Toastmasters Club, Club 1542, Area R3, D112

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Awards Night

What a wonderful evening. It certainly looked like everyone had a lot fun.

Congratulations to the following awards winners:

Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year: Amy Edwards

Outstanding Toastmaster: Amy Edwards

Best Speaker: Amy Edwards

Best Speaker: Amy Edwards

Best Evaluators: Sarah Hall and Graeme Valentine

Best Evaluator: Sarah Hall
Best Evaluator: Graeme Valentine

Best Table Topic: Richard Cook

Best Table Topic (in absentia): Richard Cook

Most Improved: Dee Ford

Most Improved: Dee Ford

Most Humorous: Amy Edwards

Most Humorous: Amy Edwards

Best Contribution: Graeme Valentine

Best Contribution: Graeme Valentine
And a big thank you to the executive, in particular Craig for organising the event, Sarah H. for the invitations, Steve for organising the venue, and Chris for the certificates, and Ian whose photobombing efforts didn't go unnoticed :)

What was your favourite moment?  Please leave a comment below.


  1. If I say so myself I thought it was an excellent evening, good company,good venue and some excellent Award winners-pity about the steak!!
    Thanks to everyone involved in organising and attending. There is no doubt we are a GREAT Club !!

  2. Congratulations to our winners for the evening. Well deserved! Thank you too to all those who organized the evening. It was a great night. Perhaps we have the best TM club in the universe ......
    Sarah Lee
